Why therapeutic gardens are important in modern living

September 29, 2022

There’s nothing like the gentle touch of nature to heal the human body, mind and spirit. Then, can you imagine what it would be like to live amidst natural splendour, that too, in a therapeutic garden-themed residential township? If you are in Bangalore, pay a visit to TVS Emerald Jardin, located near the picturesque Basapura Lake in Singasandra.

Talking about therapeutic gardens, we all know that it is an outdoor space that has been specifically created to uplift people physically, psychologically, socially and spiritually. But, did you know that there are five kinds of therapeutic gardens? Let’s take a look at them:

Healing Gardens: 

While nature has healing power everywhere, the term ‘healing garden’ is usually used to describe green cover in hospitals and other healthcare facilities, where they are used to enhance the overall recovery process. Most of these gardens have colourful and fragrant flowering plants and soothing water features.

However, a healing garden could be found anywhere; it’s a place where one can relax, introspect, meditate, and enjoy the surrounding tranquillity, like the community in TVS Emerald Singasandra. 

Enabling Gardens: 

This is where all the action is. Instead of just enjoying the meditative calm of a garden, these outdoor spaces emphasise the physical recovery of a person. It encourages visitors and participants to actually involve themselves in gardening. These physical activities are said to boost confidence and work wonders for mental balance.

Meditative Gardens: 

These are an oasis of peace and quiet except for the chirping of birds and the murmur of trees. They attract huge numbers of birds and butterflies and even other animals like rabbits and squirrels. Another highlight of these gardens is secluded spaces for those who want to meditate uninterrupted. Given its location and landscape, TVS Jardin Bangalore is one such township, which will induce a meditative calm in its residents.

Rehabilitative Gardens: 

As the name suggests, a rehabilitative garden not only heals people but also rejuvenates the environment. These are generally seen in places where the quality of soil has been compromised due to manmade or natural reasons. They promote harmony between human beings and nature. In fact, one of the main aims of the TVS Jardin township is to promote a sense of oneness with nature among its residents.

Restorative Gardens: 

These are outdoor spaces that help to relieve stress and instil calm – an absolute necessity in today’s chaotic world. It’s therefore very important to choose a residential society that gives you a sense of overall well-being. For example, TVS Emerald Bangalore promises “delightful little pockets of peace and tranquillity” at its Jardin township.  

These five categories of therapeutic gardens go on to show how much impact – of varying kinds – nature has on us. From meditative calm to healing power, it can evoke a multitude of responses from us. Choosing a home amidst natural surroundings will not only boost health, it also enhances happiness.